Dating Outside Your Race
Interracial, Multi-Racial, Mixed Race, Cross-Cultural
They Might Be Thinking:
Will my friends and family be supportive?
Does he or she like me just because I am different?
What will I do if the relationship gets serious?
I am not sure if I like this person enough to deal with some of the challenges I may face.
What will his or her parents think about me?
Will people think or look at me differently?
Will people gossip about me?
Should we hold hands or show affection in public?
Should I post pictures of the two of us on social media?
What do I do if I start to fall in love with this person?
Words That Might Be Encouraging:
You should
love who you love
- John Mayer.
Race is not a good reason to date or not date someone. Dating should be based on who you love and who you respect.
We are all a member of the same race. The human race.
More than three million people in the U.S. are married to someone of a different race.
Does he or she make you a better person? If yes, you should focus on that and not worry about what others think.
If you love this person, race will be the least of your challenges.
People may look at you a little differently, but I say "good." Look at how great you are together!
Words That Might Be Discouraging:
Can't you find someone to date from your own race?
Are you trying to break your parents' hearts?
Good for you, but I could never do that to my parents.
Marriage and relationships are hard enough already under the best of circumstances. Why make it harder on yourselves?
What about your children? They would suffer not knowing which race they belong to.
How will you decide what to name the kids if you get married?
What church will you go to?
I think you are too pretty to settle for someone like (Him or Her).
I think you can do better.
I don't think they will ever really understand what our people go through.
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