ENCOURAGEMENT MESSAGE: Education, Commitment, Wisdom + The more you read, the more you know
They Might Be Thinking:
I am horrible at grammar.
I know what I want to say. Everything gets lost in translation.
Where do I go for help?
I've always been a bad speller.
English is my first language; of course I can read and write!
Writing assignments are too hard.
I hate reading.
The words seem to float on the page when I read.
I'd love to read more, I just can't find anything I'm interested in.
English is boring.
How do other people have such a large vocabulary?
Do I really have to know all of the rules of the English language?
I have a difficult time with punctuation.
Words That Might Be Encouraging:
Becoming a good writer takes time. Stick with it and give yourself more credit.
There is help available if you know where to find it.
I'm happy to proofread and help in any way.
Spelling has always been tricky for me, too, but it gets easier.
The more you read, the more you know. If you want, we could start reading the same things, and then talk about them.
Read whatever you can get your hands on, and if you find something interesting, please share it with me, and I'll do the same.
What kind of things have you been reading about?
Do you have a favorite book, magazine, blogger, etc.?
Let me know if you ever want to bounce ideas and questions off of me, I enjoy talking and learning new things.
Words That Might Be Discouraging:
You'll never be a good writer.
Good writing is not as important as it used to be.
You've always been a horrible speller.
There's no way you'll ever finish a book.
You're not an English or a literature kind of person.
English just isn't your thing.
Who cares about English? That's what spellcheck is for!
You speak just fine; don't stress about being able to write well.
Maybe you should focus on subjects that you're better at. Stick with your strengths.
Video and Media Library
5 tips to improve your writing
How to write a good essay
How to Write an Effective Essay: The Introduction
Improve your Writing: Show, Not Tell
How to Write a Book
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