Finding My Soulmate

Dating, Courting, Love, Relationship

In This Guide:

The naysayers claim that soulmates don't exist. But for those who believe their ideal match is out there somewhere, they are not willing to settle for anything less. Here's what people searching for the right person may be thinking, and what you can say to support them on their journey.

They Might Be Thinking:

  • Finding my spouse seems like it's never going to happen.
  • No one seems to be interested in being honest in a relationship.
  • I wish I could find someone as good as my mom or dad.
  • I just want to find someone who is a good person.
  • I wish I could meet this person in a natural or organic way.
  • Why does this process have to be so difficult?
  • Finding the right person to love is the hardest thing I have ever done.
  • I want to be with someone who treats me with respect.
  • I want to find someone who likes me for who I am.
  • I don't want to be with a person who expects me to be someone I am not. 

Words That Might Be Encouraging:

  • Focus on being yourself; everyone else is already taken.
  • I think someone would be lucky to have you as a partner.
  • You may have already met your soulmate if you take another look around.
  • You don't need to agree on everything; just the important things.
  • In 90% of the best relationships, couples work through issues in a collaborative way.
  • You could meet your soulmate tomorrow in the elevator. Just make sure you live your authentic self.
  • I am not the only person who sees your greatness; just keep being you.
  • All of the time you spend wondering about tomorrow might be better spent working on today.
  • Exhaust life and the rest will take care of itself.
  • The first step to finding your soulmate is to present yourself to the world without fearing the consequences.

Words That Might Be Discouraging:

  • You should just settle down with someone who has a good job.
  • Love is a fantasy. Stop waiting for Prince Charming.
  • I believe in practicality. Love is overrated.
  • Everyone winds up settling. You are dreaming.
  • Just try to find someone that satisfies 80% of your needs. No one is perfect.
  • There's no such thing as a soulmate.
  • You are really picky.
  • You have commitment issues.
  • Your family background is going to make it difficult for you to find what you are looking for.
  • You are past your prime.
  • Your standards are a little too high.
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