I Love You!
Romance, Passion, Married, Engagement, Dating
They Might Be Thinking:
I am not sure how this person feels about me.
I wonder if this person really cares about me.
Does this person take our relationship for granted?
I don’t feel like we have much chemistry anymore.
Other couples seem more affectionate in public.
I don’t know this person’s love language.
I just wish I knew what this person was thinking.
I just need a sign to let me know that I am special.
I don’t always need physical signs, sometimes just a kind word or a thank you would be nice.
What can we do to spice things up a little bit?
Words That Might Be Encouraging:
I love you.
You mean the world to me.
You complete me.
I'm in love with you.
I have been dreaming about someone like you all my life.
We make a good team.
You make me a better man or woman.
I choose you.
I'm crazy about you.
You're my sunshine.
Together, we can do anything.
You are the kind of person I would like to raise children with.
Given the choice, I would pick you again.
Words That Might Be Discouraging:
I am not sure how I feel about you.
I love you like a friend.
I feel like you are family.
I don't want to risk being hurt.
I heart you.
Me too (after someone says they love you).
Same here (after someone says they love you).
Ditto (after someone says they love you).
My family did not show affection growing up, so it's hard for me to express myself when it comes to love.
You are really great.
I really care about you.
See Personalized Encouragement Recommendations for Someone You Care About
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