Job Search
Resume, Linkedin, Interview Skills, S.T.A.R., Dress Code, Personal Branding
They Might Be Thinking:
Do I need to update my resume?
I am not sure when I will get a job.
How long will I need to look for a job?
I am not sure if I have enough money to make ends meet.
Should I consider getting a temporary job until I find something permanent?
Should I send a mass email to all of my contacts on Linkedin?
How many months of a reserve do I need to make sure I can survive this downturn?
Should I call recruiters so they have my name in front of them when they are looking for candidates?
Will my age be an issue?
How will my family cope with me being out of work?
Should I do a mock interview before I go in for the real thing?
Words That Might Be Encouraging:
Make sure to let people know that you are looking for a job.
Update your Linkedin profile with key action words.
I would be happy to share your resume with the people I know in your industry.
Just be yourself. You have a lot to offer any organization.
Don't forget to smile when you are talking to the people interviewing you.
Put your faith first, and let your mind and body follow.
You only need one job. Keep looking until you find the right one for you.
Prepare for the interview as if your life depends on it.
You are a shining star! Don't let this get you down; keep your star shining brightly.
You are the perfect person for the job because your credentials are very impressive.
If you want, I am happy to review your resume and cover letter and offer ideas for improvement.
I want to help, Will you let me send your resume to a professional resume writer? I will pick up the cost. [This gesture will never be forgotten.]
Let me help you create an online portfolio that showcases your talents in the best possible way to prospective employers.
If I see any relevant job listings, I will definitely send them your way.
Will you allow me to call my contacts in the industry and schedule some “Get to know you” sessions? It might help!
Words That Might Be Discouraging:
The job market is really tough out there right now.
You may need to step down a level to get a job.
Did you file for unemployment?
Have you done a mock interview to understand your weaknesses?
How long can you last without having a job?
What are you doing every day to try to find a job?
How long have you been out of work?
Have you had any interviews lately?
What do you do during the day to stay busy?
You look great! I wish I could take a break.
How long do you think it will take to get a new role?
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