Learning How to Drive
First Car, Student Drivers, Safety First, Drunk Driving, MADD
They Might Be Thinking:
How will I pass my written exam?
How many times will I need to take the driving portion of the exam?
What are all of the requirements to get my license?
What proof of identity will I need to provide?
Is there a vision screening process?
What part of driving should I learn first - braking, steering, using my mirrors, etc. ?
How do I coordinate the brake and gas pedals?
Should I learn to drive a standard/manual transmission car first?
What do I need to bring to a driver's license test?
What documents are needed to get a driver's license?
How do you get your driver's license?
Can you drive by yourself if you're 18 and have a permit?
Can I drive while using my cell phone?
Words That Might Be Encouraging:
Always wear your seat belt.
Don't drink and drive.
I am here to answer any questions you might have.
Don't let anyone drive your car unless they have a license and are insured to drive your vehicle.
Stay calm and always know that your brakes are your friends.
You are in command. Take it one step at a time.
If you ever need someone to give you a lesson, I am happy to help.
Always check your vehicle to make sure it is working properly.
Don’t abuse your vehicle.
Check mirrors and gauges.
Make a positive glance over your shoulder.
Scan parked cars and back up carefully.
Check wheel-to-ground reference.
Allow 2-4 seconds following time.
Check the road 10-12 seconds ahead.
Check mirrors every 5-8 seconds.
Pick a point of decision (point of not stopping) at traffic lights.
Stop so you can see the rear tires of the car ahead touching the ground.
Count “1-2-3-delay” after the car ahead starts to move.
Look left-right-left at all intersections.
Use your horn to establish eye contact.
Don’t forget the hazards of rural and in-plant driving.
Words That Might Be Discouraging:
Driving is relatively easy.
Once you pass the written exam, everything else will be a breeze.
I am not really sure why you are struggling.
You just have to put it all together now.
Are you trying to kill us?!
Haven't you learned anything from all the years I've been driving you around?
Wearing your seat belt isn't a big deal.
Don't worry about how I am driving; you need to follow the laws.
It's okay to drive 5-10 miles above the speed limit.
Now that you have your license, you are all set.
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