Loss of a Loved One - Prolonged Illness

Death, Bereavement, Passed, Grief, Grieving, Cancer, Heart Disease, Deceased, Dying, Funeral

They Might Be Thinking or Feeling:

  •  I feel heartbroken. 
  • This makes no sense.
  • I can't believe this is happening.
  • This does not seem fair...on any level.
  • I am not sure how to make sense of this.
  • SHOCK: Uncertainty, fearful of what the future will bring without the deceased.
  • REFLECTION: I can’t believe this person is gone. What will life be like without this person in my life?
  • UNCERTAINTY: What will I do when I need advice or insight from this person?
  • LEGACY: What would the deceased want me to do to carry on his or her legacy?
  • PHYSICAL: Uneasy stomach, chest tightness, crying, tense muscles, trouble relaxing, low energy, restlessness
  • HOLIDAYS: How will I get through holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries?
  • MENTAL: Reminiscent, worries or regrets, or thoughts of what life will be like without the person
  • EMOTIONS: Easily moved to feelings of sadness, anger, guilt, despair, relief, love, or hope
  • SPIRITUAL: Renewed faith or distrust in God, questioning religious beliefs
  • WAVES OF GRIEF: Emotions may ebb, flow, and dip unexpectedly.

Words That Might Be Encouraging:

  • There are no words to explain the meaning behind why this is happening.
  • We will get through this together.
  • Take the time you need to find your way.
  • There is no right way to feel.
  • Inspiration: He was and continues to be a great source of inspiration to everyone he touched.
  • Uplifting: He always made everyone feel like they were the most important in the room.
  • Irreplaceable: We lost one of the most generous human beings I know.
  • Peace of Mind: I think you brought a lot of joy and happiness to his or her life.
  • Love: He talked about you all the time. You definitely were THE One for him.
  • Insomnia: I heard you say you are having trouble sleeping? I can send you a list of natural sleep solutions.
  • Food Offerings: A few of your friends want to send food for the next few months…is it better to send food during the week or on the weekend? Do you prefer home-cooked or delivery from one of your favorite spots?
  • Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts.
  • Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
  • I wish you healing and peace.
  • I hope you feel surrounded by much love.
  • We are so sorry for your loss.
  • We are thinking of you during these difficult times.
  • May my condolences bring you comfort and may my prayers ease the pain of this loss.
  • We pray the love for the lost is forever carried in your memory.
  • Words can’t express how saddened we are to hear of your loss.
  • May the memory of [insert name] bring you comfort and peace.
  • Today and always, may loving memories bring you peace, comfort, and strength.
  • My heart is with you in your time of sorrow.
  • Wishing you peace and strength during this difficult time.
  • May the sorrow you feel in your heart lighten by the love that surrounds you.
  • I’m missing [insert name] along with you. With heartfelt condolences.
  • Please accept my heartfelt sympathies for your loss.
  • I am sending you this card to let you know that I am thinking of you. I am sorry for your loss.
  • We are here for you and your family, now and forever.

Words That Might Be Discouraging:

  • They're in a better place now,
  • Oh, you poor thing. I feel so badly that you have to go through this.
  • Don’t let this situation weigh you down. Just focus on getting through it.
  • I know this feels like a lot right now, but everything happens for a reason.
  • Did your dad leave a will or last testament?
  • How is the dialogue going with your brothers and sisters?
  • Stop focusing on the bad; just focus on the future.
  • I am tired of you mourning this death. How do we get you moving again?
  • The worst is yet to come.
  • You just have to have faith that everything is going to be okay.
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