What are the risks of having unprotected sex with my partner?
How far am I willing to go? What are my boundaries?
Which sexual activities am I willing to try? Which am I unwilling to do?
Which sexual activities might I be willing to try in some situations?
Which STI is the most prevalent? How do I protect myself?
I don't like using condoms. It doesn't feel the same.
What are the odds that I might get a sexually transmitted infection if I have unprotected sex?
What are the risks of getting AIDS in a heterosexual relationship?
How did Magic Johnson get rid of AIDS?
What barriers and other precautions do I want my partner(s) to use when being sexual with others?
Do I want to be in a sexually non-monogamous relationship?
Can people live with AIDS now if they get the right medications?
Does the pill protect you from sexually transmitted infections?
Am I willing to risk getting pregnant/getting my girlfriend pregnant? If not, which method of birth control should I use?
Words That Might Be Encouraging:
Abstinence may not be the coolest solution, but it is certainly the safest in terms of STIs and pregnancy.
Is unprotected sex worth the risk of getting an STI or getting pregnant?
It might be a good idea for both people to get tested for STIs before engaging in sexual activity.
Anything worth having, should be worth the wait.
You deserve the best; don't let anyone force you to do something that makes you uncomfortable.
I think you know that I would prefer that you abstain from sex until you are older, but if you don't, be sure to protect yourself from STIs with a condom and use appropriate birth control.
Waiting until you are married could be the biggest gift you ever give to your future spouse.
Words That Might Be Discouraging:
You should just wait until you are married.
What is the rush to have sex?
Sex is overrated.
You could die if you have unprotected sex.
Sex today is dangerous.
I forbid you to have sex until you are married.
I refuse to talk to you about sex because I don't think you should be having it.
Unprotected sex is a baby waiting to happen.
See Personalized Encouragement Recommendations for Someone You Care About