Having a Stalker, Creepy Followers, Fear, Anxiety, Stress, Avoidance, Uncomfortable, Contacting the Police
They Might Be Thinking:
How can I get rid of this person? Will my life ever go back to normal?
I am so tired and stressed out. have no idea what to do next.
This person is ruining my life.
I am constantly scared that this person will find me and do something to me.
What have I done to deserve this?
No one can stop this person. I’ve tried literally everything.
I have to plan my life around trying to be safe. This is exhausting.
I wish that someone could make this person just go away.
I don’t feel like myself. The constant stress is wearing me down.
No one can understand what this is like.
Why me?
Words That Might Be Encouraging:
This is entirely unfair. I am sorry this is happening to you.
You are very strong and perseverant (provide examples of times they have persevered). I believe you can make it through this.
This is not your fault in any way.
I don’t think I could ever fully understand what you are going through. However, I am here for you and will do my best to understand.
Your situation sounds incredibly difficult and frightening.
I feel like it’d be so hard to feel safe. If it were me, I’d feel so tired from being on edge all of the time.
I know it can be hard to ask for help, but I am here to support you in whatever way I can.
You’ve done nothing wrong. I can’t imagine the stress and anxiety you must be dealing with.
Given the circumstances, I am impressed that you have done X, Y, and Z. You are so capable, even in the worst of situations.
I imagine this has brought out a lot of negative feelings. Please know that you can share these feelings whenever you’d like with me…I won’t judge you for them.
Words That Might Be Discouraging:
Maybe we shouldn’t hang out anymore…
Is this person watching us right now?
What are you going to do? What if this stalker tries to kill you?
You should go to the police. They’ll protect you.
Why do you think this stalker is following you? What did you do to this person?
Maybe you should move somewhere else.
This person must be such a freak! (Continues insulting and trying to analyze the stalker.)
Well, are you going to do anything about it?
You should set up cameras, hire a body guard, get a gun. (Continues to offer more suggestions.)
There are so many weirdos out there. None of us is safe.
You should be doing more. You can’t just sit around and let this person destroy your life.
You should be flattered that someone is so interested in you.
See Personalized Encouragement Recommendations for Someone You Care About