Hot Flashes, Loss of Sex Drive, Anxiety, Missed Period, Moodiness
They Might Be Thinking:
My hormones are fluctuating uncontrollably.
I am not getting good rest when I sleep.
I am grumpy because I am tired.
I don't feel like having sex with my partner.
I am getting night sweats.
I can't seem to cool off at night.
I feel like everyone knows that I am going through "The Change."
I don't feel very beautiful anymore.
I feel fat.
I am feeling really moody and I don't know why.
I feel tired all of the time.
I am getting hot flashes that feel like power surges.
I am easily irritated by people I care about.
Is something wrong with the thermostat?
I have not had my cycle for a while; maybe it's over?
I did not think this would start so soon for me.
Words That Might Be Encouraging:
I can't imagine what you are going through, but I am here to support you in any way I can.
You look fantastic! I think you are doing a great job managing through this process.
Choosing you was the best decision I ever made, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.
This too will pass and things will get back to normal in a few months or years.
You deserve a break! I am happy to do the laundry and take care of other things you normally do around the house.
Do you want to take a power nap this afternoon? I can take care of things while you get some rest.
I want to stop by next week to hang out for a while. Maybe we can go for a walk?
Do you need someone to talk to about this? I'm here to listen.
How can I help you? Is there anything I can do to make you feel a bit better or more comfortable today?
Words That Might Be Discouraging:
You are not old enough to be going through menopause yet. You look great!
Did you forget to take your hormones today?
Are you getting enough sleep? You seem like you need to get more sleep.
What do you mean you want to lower the temperature again? It's freezing in this house!
You sure are visiting the bathroom a lot. Is everything okay?
Oh, I've heard about "The Change." You must be getting old!
How long does menopause last anyway? Ugh! Seems like it's taking forever!
You're so sensitive to the smallest issues. Don't make everything into such a big deal.
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Small Personal Fan for "Power Surges" and recharging cell phone in emergencies
Menopause is Misunderstood
Stay Strong, Perseverance
Resistance, Hope, Power
Self-Love and Accountability
Managing changing hormones
Dealing with Menopause weight gain
Having a baby later in life.
Symptoms of Menopause
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